A picture looking straight-on at the Arc de Triumph in Paris, France. The Sun is in the middle of the arch, albeit off-centre.

I would've fixed that in post but my RAW editing skills aren't great and it would've been two obvious.
bye JPG iPhone 13 Pro

Lost, forgotten, unwanted.
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A keyboard. The slash/question mark key is out of its slot, turned slightly askew.
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parked, lol.
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^&S2'()_--ot rid of them all right... they won't breath agai-('£(894324 [CONNECTION LOST]

© byemc 2023
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Closeup of a broadsheet newspaper in Ireland. The article is from 2023.
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A close up of a page in a supplementary magazine for a newspaper. 

Text on the page, though cut off, reads: “THE FIRST THE [cut] how bad emergency [cut] the aftermath [cut] tsunami in [cut] dockside, [cut] stories of”
bye JPG iPhone 13 Pro
Album art I made for an album I'm thinking of making.
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